Get Endstop Status via Web API
I am wondering if there is any possibility to read the end stop states via the Web API. As the action "send" doesn't return any values "M119" doesn't work....
Best regards
- Regarding your last sentence: Does it refer to the Web API or also on the module API? If it does refer to the Web API can you please give me an approach example? I already tried to get the information by setting the logLevel to 15
What I tried so far is:
action = activePrinter
Payload = „printer“:“3DPrinterV2“
action = sendMoves
#from then I get the moves at least
action = setLogLevel
Payload = "level":15
#But that unfortunately doesn't sends any more information
Did I get something wrong?
Best regards
But it does not send response directly. All following lines will be send as an event!
So for everyone who's interested:
First step send as action "setLoglevel" --> take care of the typo!
with payload: {"printer":"3DPrinterV2","level":4} --> replace "3DPrinterV2" with your printer's slug
Maybe you have to try out different log levels, for the Endstops the right level is 4. For those struggling with the numbers:
1 : Commands
2 : ACK responses like ok, wait, temperature
4 : Other responses
8 : Non maskable messages
You can combine the levels by adding the numbers up, e.g. for all logs it's 1+2+4+8=15
From then you can use the action "send" with payload (in my case): {"cmd":"M119"}
The Web API will answer you with something like that:
Best regards