Unknown command
Hi All
Facing a strange problem.
I have setup my delta printer and using Arduino mega and ramps, Repetier 9.2.9 version of the firmware
The test files were printed perfectly fine.
When I am trying to print some STLs the printer stops suddenly it gives the following msg
20:03:45.326 : ok 2794
20:03:48.419 : Unknown command:N56283 G-1029 T13 X0.00 Z0.00 F0.05 S1448498774 J0.00 R-0.00??????????????????????????????????????????????????start
20:03:48.434 : Transformation matrix: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
Please help
It prints a while and then stops.
Is it that the ramps or arguing mega has less memory? I also tried to change memory in the printer settings. But it's same. The test files that are very simple or small are still completing. Using feed rate 50% and printing slow.
Problem somewhat solved as the spool holder printed without problem. Do you suggest that I should change to radds with extension board. I am planning to have a 5 color diamond hotend. Then I'll have 8 stepper motors. X Y Z and 5 extruders. Or would you suggest any other controller ?