Cannot connect with DEV 1.0
Softare complies just fine and printer reboots but there is no contact with the host commands just pile up. In addition, the menu cannot be accessed using the knob.
#define NUM_EXTRUDER 1
#define MOTHERBOARD 33
#include "pins.h"
// ################## EDIT THESE SETTINGS MANUALLY ################
// ################ END MANUAL SETTINGS ##########################
/* Below you will find the configuration string, that created this Configuration.h
========== Start configuration string ==========
"editMode": 2,
"processor": 0,
"baudrate": 115200,
"bluetoothSerial": -1,
"bluetoothBaudrate": 115200,
"xStepsPerMM": 100,
"yStepsPerMM": 100,
"zStepsPerMM": 100,
"xInvert": "1",
"xInvertEnable": 0,
"eepromMode": 1,
"yInvert": "1",
"yInvertEnable": 0,
"zInvert": "1",
"zInvertEnable": 0,
"extruder": [
"id": 0,
"heatManager": 1,
"pidDriveMin": 40,
"pidDriveMax": 230,
"pidMax": 255,
"sensorType": 1,
"sensorPin": "TEMP_0_PIN",
"heaterPin": "HEATER_0_PIN",
"maxFeedrate": 50,
"startFeedrate": 20,
"invert": "1",
"invertEnable": "0",
"acceleration": 300,
"watchPeriod": 1,
"pidP": 7,
"pidI": 2,
"pidD": 40,
"advanceK": 0,
"advanceL": 0,
"waitRetractTemp": 150,
"waitRetractUnits": 0,
"waitRetract": 0,
"stepsPerMM": 150,
"coolerPin": "ORIG_FAN_PIN",
"coolerSpeed": 255,
"selectCommands": "",
"deselectCommands": "",
"xOffset": 0,
"yOffset": 0,
"zOffset": 0,
"xOffsetSteps": 0,
"yOffsetSteps": 0,
"zOffsetSteps": 0,
"stepper": {
"name": "Extruder 0",
"step": "ORIG_E0_STEP_PIN",
"dir": "ORIG_E0_DIR_PIN",
"enable": "ORIG_E0_ENABLE_PIN"
"advanceBacklashSteps": 0,
"decoupleTestPeriod": 12,
"jamPin": -1,
"jamPullup": "0",
"mirror": "0",
"invert2": "0",
"stepper2": {
"name": "Extruder 0",
"step": "ORIG_E0_STEP_PIN",
"dir": "ORIG_E0_DIR_PIN",
"enable": "ORIG_E0_ENABLE_PIN"
"preheat": 195
"uiLanguage": 0,
"uiController": 0,
"xMinEndstop": 0,
"yMinEndstop": 0,
"zMinEndstop": 0,
"xMaxEndstop": 2,
"yMaxEndstop": 2,
"zMaxEndstop": 2,
"motherboard": 33,
"driveSystem": 3,
"xMaxSpeed": 200,
"xHomingSpeed": 40,
"xTravelAcceleration": 1000,
"xPrintAcceleration": 1000,
"yMaxSpeed": 200,
"yHomingSpeed": 40,
"yTravelAcceleration": 1000,
"yPrintAcceleration": 1000,
"zMaxSpeed": 300,
"zHomingSpeed": 3,
"zTravelAcceleration": 1000,
"zPrintAcceleration": 1000,
"xMotor": {
"name": "X motor",
"step": "ORIG_X_STEP_PIN",
"dir": "ORIG_X_DIR_PIN",
"enable": "ORIG_X_ENABLE_PIN"
"yMotor": {
"name": "Y motor",
"step": "ORIG_Y_STEP_PIN",
"dir": "ORIG_Y_DIR_PIN",
"enable": "ORIG_Y_ENABLE_PIN"
"zMotor": {
"name": "Z motor",
"step": "ORIG_Z_STEP_PIN",
"dir": "ORIG_Z_DIR_PIN",
"enable": "ORIG_Z_ENABLE_PIN"
"enableBacklash": "0",
"backlashX": 0,
"backlashY": 0,
"backlashZ": 0,
"stepperInactiveTime": 360,
"maxInactiveTime": 0,
"xMinPos": 0,
"yMinPos": 0,
"zMinPos": 0,
"xLength": 200,
"yLength": 200,
"zLength": 277.22,
"alwaysCheckEndstops": "1",
"disableX": "0",
"disableY": "0",
"disableZ": "0",
"disableE": "1",
"xHomeDir": "-1",
"yHomeDir": "-1",
"zHomeDir": 1,
"xEndstopBack": 1,
"yEndstopBack": 1,
"zEndstopBack": 1,
"deltaSegmentsPerSecondPrint": 180,
"deltaSegmentsPerSecondTravel": 70,
"deltaDiagonalRod": 218,
"deltaHorizontalRadius": 105,
"deltaAlphaA": 210,
"deltaAlphaB": 330,
"deltaAlphaC": 90,
"deltaDiagonalCorrA": 0,
"deltaDiagonalCorrB": 0,
"deltaDiagonalCorrC": 0,
"deltaMaxRadius": 90,
"deltaFloorSafetyMarginMM": 15,
"deltaRadiusCorrA": 0,
"deltaRadiusCorrB": 0,
"deltaRadiusCorrC": 0,
"deltaXOffsetSteps": 0,
"deltaYOffsetSteps": 0,
"deltaZOffsetSteps": 0,
"deltaSegmentsPerLine": 24,
"stepperHighDelay": 0,
"directionDelay": 0,
"stepDoublerFrequency": 12000,
"allowQuadstepping": "1",
"doubleStepDelay": 0,
"maxJerk": 20,
"maxZJerk": 0.3,
"moveCacheSize": 16,
"moveCacheLow": 10,
"lowTicksPerMove": 250000,
"enablePowerOnStartup": "0",
"echoOnExecute": "1",
"sendWaits": "1",
"ackWithLineNumber": "0",
"killMethod": 1,
"useAdvance": "0",
"useQuadraticAdvance": "1",
"powerInverting": 0,
"mirrorX": 0,
"mirrorXMotor": {
"name": "Extruder 1",
"step": "ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN",
"dir": "ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN",
"enable": "ORIG_E1_ENABLE_PIN"
"mirrorY": 0,
"mirrorYMotor": {
"name": "Extruder 1",
"step": "ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN",
"dir": "ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN",
"enable": "ORIG_E1_ENABLE_PIN"
"mirrorZ": "0",
"mirrorZMotor": {
"name": "Extruder 1",
"step": "ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN",
"dir": "ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN",
"enable": "ORIG_E1_ENABLE_PIN"
"mirrorZ3": "0",
"mirrorZ3Motor": {
"name": "Extruder 2",
"step": "ORIG_E2_STEP_PIN",
"dir": "ORIG_E2_DIR_PIN",
"enable": "ORIG_E2_ENABLE_PIN"
"mirrorZ4": "0",
"mirrorZ4Motor": {
"name": "Extruder 3",
"step": "ORIG_E3_STEP_PIN",
"dir": "ORIG_E3_DIR_PIN",
"enable": "ORIG_E3_ENABLE_PIN"
"dittoPrinting": "0",
"featureServos": "0",
"servo0Pin": 11,
"servo1Pin": -1,
"servo2Pin": -1,
"servo3Pin": -1,
"featureWatchdog": "1",
"hasHeatedBed": "0",
"enableZProbing": "1",
"extrudeMaxLength": 160,
"homeOrder": "HOME_ORDER_ZXY",
"featureController": 2,
"uiPrinterName": "Delta",
"uiPrinterCompany": "Fl Sun",
"uiPagesDuration": 4000,
"uiHeadline": "",
"uiDisablePageswitch": "0",
"uiAutoReturnAfter": 30000,
"featureKeys": "0",
"uiEncoderSpeed": 1,
"uiReverseEncoder": "1",
"uiKeyBouncetime": 10,
"uiKeyFirstRepeat": 500,
"uiKeyReduceRepeat": 50,
"uiKeyMinRepeat": 50,
"featureBeeper": "0",
"uiMinHeatedBed": 30,
"uiMaxHeatedBed": 120,
"uiMinEtxruderTemp": 170,
"uiMaxExtruderTemp": 260,
"uiExtruderFeedrate": 2,
"uiExtruderRetractDistance": 3,
"uiSpeeddependentPositioning": "1",
"maxBedTemperature": 120,
"bedSensorType": 1,
"bedSensorPin": "TEMP_1_PIN",
"bedHeaterPin": "HEATER_1_PIN",
"bedHeatManager": 0,
"bedPreheat": 55,
"bedUpdateInterval": 5000,
"bedPidDriveMin": 80,
"bedPidDriveMax": 255,
"bedPidP": 196,
"bedPidI": 33,
"bedPidD": 290,
"bedPidMax": 255,
"bedDecoupleTestPeriod": 300,
"caseLightPin": -1,
"caseLightDefaultOn": "1",
"bedSkipIfWithin": 3,
"gen1T0": 25,
"gen1R0": 100000,
"gen1Beta": 4036,
"gen1MinTemp": -20,
"gen1MaxTemp": 300,
"gen1R1": 0,
"gen1R2": 4700,
"gen2T0": 25,
"gen2R0": 100000,
"gen2Beta": 4036,
"gen2MinTemp": -20,
"gen2MaxTemp": 300,
"gen2R1": 0,
"gen2R2": 4700,
"gen3T0": 25,
"gen3R0": 100000,
"gen3Beta": 4036,
"gen3MinTemp": -20,
"gen3MaxTemp": 300,
"gen3R1": 0,
"gen3R2": 4700,
"userTable0": {
"r1": 0,
"r2": 4700,
"temps": [],
"numEntries": 0
"userTable1": {
"r1": 0,
"r2": 4700,
"temps": [],
"numEntries": 0
"userTable2": {
"r1": 0,
"r2": 4700,
"temps": [],
"numEntries": 0
"tempHysteresis": 0,
"pidControlRange": 20,
"skipM109Within": 2,
"extruderFanCoolTemp": 50,
"minTemp": 150,
"maxTemp": 275,
"minDefectTemp": -10,
"maxDefectTemp": 290,
"arcSupport": "1",
"featureMemoryPositionWatchdog": "0",
"forceChecksum": "0",
"sdExtendedDir": "1",
"featureFanControl": "1",
"fanPin": "ORIG_FAN_PIN",
"featureFan2Control": "1",
"fan2Pin": -1,
"fanThermoPin": "ORIG_FAN_PIN",
"fanThermoMinPWM": 128,
"fanThermoMaxPWM": 255,
"fanThermoMinTemp": 45,
"fanThermoMaxTemp": 60,
"fanThermoThermistorPin": "TEMP_0_PIN",
"fanThermoThermistorType": 1,
"scalePidToMax": 0,
"zProbePin": "ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN",
"zProbeBedDistance": 3,
"zProbePullup": "0",
"zProbeOnHigh": "0",
"zProbeXOffset": 0,
"zProbeYOffset": 0,
"zProbeWaitBeforeTest": "0",
"zProbeSpeed": 2,
"zProbeXYSpeed": 120,
"zProbeHeight": 10,
"zProbeStartScript": "",
"zProbeFinishedScript": "",
"featureAutolevel": "1",
"zProbeX1": 20,
"zProbeY1": 20,
"zProbeX2": 90,
"zProbeY2": 20,
"zProbeX3": 90,
"zProbeY3": 75,
"zProbeSwitchingDistance": 1,
"zProbeRepetitions": 2,
"zProbeEveryPoint": "",
"sdSupport": "1",
"sdCardDetectPin": "ORIG_SDCARDDETECT",
"sdCardDetectInverted": "0",
"uiStartScreenDelay": 1000,
"xEndstopBackMove": 5,
"yEndstopBackMove": 5,
"zEndstopBackMove": 2,
"xEndstopRetestFactor": 3,
"yEndstopRetestFactor": 3,
"zEndstopRetestFactor": 3,
"xMinPin": "ORIG_X_MIN_PIN",
"yMinPin": "ORIG_Y_MIN_PIN",
"zMinPin": "ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN",
"xMaxPin": "ORIG_X_MAX_PIN",
"yMaxPin": "ORIG_Y_MAX_PIN",
"zMaxPin": "ORIG_Z_MAX_PIN",
"deltaHomeOnPower": "0",
"fanBoardPin": -1,
"heaterPWMSpeed": 0,
"featureBabystepping": "1",
"babystepMultiplicator": 1,
"pdmForHeater": "0",
"pdmForCooler": "0",
"psOn": "ORIG_PS_ON_PIN",
"mixingExtruder": "0",
"decouplingTestMaxHoldVariance": 20,
"decouplingTestMinTempRise": 1,
"featureAxisComp": "1",
"axisCompTanXY": 0,
"axisCompTanXZ": 0,
"axisCompTanYZ": 0,
"retractOnPause": 3,
"pauseStartCommands": "",
"pauseEndCommands": "",
"distortionCorrection": "1",
"distortionCorrectionPoints": 5,
"distortionCorrectionR": 100,
"distortionPermanent": "1",
"distortionUpdateFrequency": 20,
"distortionStartDegrade": 0.5,
"distortionEndDegrade": 1,
"distortionExtrapolateCorners": "0",
"distortionXMin": 10,
"distortionXMax": 190,
"distortionYMin": 10,
"distortionYMax": 190,
"sdRunOnStop": "",
"sdStopHeaterMotorsOnStop": "1",
"featureRetraction": "1",
"autoretractEnabled": "0",
"retractionLength": 3,
"retractionLongLength": 13,
"retractionSpeed": 40,
"retractionZLift": 1.5,
"retractionUndoExtraLength": 4,
"retractionUndoExtraLongLength": 0,
"retractionUndoSpeed": 20,
"filamentChangeXPos": 0,
"filamentChangeYPos": 30,
"filamentChangeZAdd": 10,
"filamentChangeRehome": 2,
"filamentChangeShortRetract": 5,
"filamentChangeLongRetract": 50,
"fanKickstart": 200,
"servo0StartPos": -1,
"servo1StartPos": -1,
"servo2StartPos": -1,
"servo3StartPos": -1,
"uiDynamicEncoderSpeed": "0",
"uiServoControl": 0,
"killIfSensorDefect": "1",
"jamSteps": 220,
"jamSlowdownSteps": 320,
"jamSlowdownTo": 70,
"jamErrorSteps": 500,
"jamMinSteps": 10,
"jamAction": 2,
"jamMethod": 1,
"primaryPort": 0,
"numMotorDrivers": 0,
"motorDrivers": [
"t": "None",
"s": "",
"invertEnable": "0",
"invertDirection": "0",
"stepsPerMM": 100,
"speed": 10,
"dirPin": -1,
"stepPin": -1,
"enablePin": -1,
"endstopPin": -1,
"invertEndstop": "0",
"minEndstop": "1",
"endstopPullup": "1",
"maxDistance": 20
"t": "None",
"s": "",
"invertEnable": "0",
"invertDirection": "0",
"stepsPerMM": 100,
"speed": 10,
"dirPin": -1,
"stepPin": -1,
"enablePin": -1,
"endstopPin": -1,
"invertEndstop": "0",
"minEndstop": "1",
"endstopPullup": "1",
"maxDistance": 20
"t": "None",
"s": "",
"invertEnable": "0",
"invertDirection": "0",
"stepsPerMM": 100,
"speed": 10,
"dirPin": -1,
"stepPin": -1,
"enablePin": -1,
"endstopPin": -1,
"invertEndstop": "0",
"minEndstop": "1",
"endstopPullup": "1",
"maxDistance": 20
"t": "None",
"s": "",
"invertEnable": "0",
"invertDirection": "0",
"stepsPerMM": 100,
"speed": 10,
"dirPin": -1,
"stepPin": -1,
"enablePin": -1,
"endstopPin": -1,
"invertEndstop": "0",
"minEndstop": "1",
"endstopPullup": "1",
"maxDistance": 20
"t": "None",
"s": "",
"invertEnable": "0",
"invertDirection": "0",
"stepsPerMM": 100,
"speed": 10,
"dirPin": -1,
"stepPin": -1,
"enablePin": -1,
"endstopPin": -1,
"invertEndstop": "0",
"minEndstop": "1",
"endstopPullup": "1",
"maxDistance": 20
"t": "None",
"s": "",
"invertEnable": "0",
"invertDirection": "0",
"stepsPerMM": 100,
"speed": 10,
"dirPin": -1,
"stepPin": -1,
"enablePin": -1,
"endstopPin": -1,
"invertEndstop": "0",
"minEndstop": "1",
"endstopPullup": "1",
"maxDistance": 20
"manualConfig": "",
"zHomeMinTemperature": 0,
"zHomeXPos": 999999,
"zHomeYPos": 999999,
"zHomeHeatHeight": 20,
"zHomeHeatAll": "1",
"zProbeZOffsetMode": 1,
"zProbeZOffset": 0,
"uiBedCoating": "1",
"langEN": "1",
"langDE": "0",
"langNL": "0",
"langPT": "0",
"langIT": "0",
"langES": "0",
"langFI": "0",
"langSE": "0",
"langFR": "0",
"langCZ": "0",
"langPL": "0",
"langTR": "0",
"interpolateAccelerationWithZ": 0,
"accelerationFactorTop": 100,
"bendingCorrectionA": 0,
"bendingCorrectionB": 0,
"bendingCorrectionC": 0,
"preventZDisableOnStepperTimeout": "0",
"supportLaser": "0",
"laserPin": -1,
"laserOnHigh": "1",
"laserWarmupTime": 0,
"defaultPrinterMode": 0,
"supportCNC": "0",
"cncWaitOnEnable": 300,
"cncWaitOnDisable": 0,
"cncEnablePin": -1,
"cncEnableWith": "1",
"cncDirectionPin": -1,
"cncDirectionCW": "1",
"startupGCode": "",
"jsonOutput": "0",
"bedLevelingMethod": 1,
"bedCorrectionMethod": 0,
"bedLevelingGridSize": 7,
"bedLevelingRepetitions": 5,
"bedMotor1X": 0,
"bedMotor1Y": 0,
"bedMotor2X": 200,
"bedMotor2Y": 0,
"bedMotor3X": 100,
"bedMotor3Y": 200,
"zProbeRequiresHeating": "0",
"zProbeMinTemperature": 150,
"adcKeypadPin": -1,
"sharedExtruderHeater": "0",
"extruderSwitchXYSpeed": 100,
"dualXAxis": "0",
"boardFanSpeed": 255,
"keepAliveInterval": 2000,
"moveXWhenHomed": "0",
"moveYWhenHomed": "0",
"moveZWhenHomed": "0",
"preheatTime": 30000,
"multiZEndstopHoming": "0",
"z2MinMaxPin": -1,
"z2MinMaxEndstop": 0,
"extruderIsZProbe": "1",
"boardFanMinSpeed": 0,
"doorPin": -1,
"doorEndstop": 1,
"zhomePreRaise": 0,
"zhomePreRaiseDistance": 10,
"dualXResolution": "0",
"x2axisStepsPerMM": 100,
"uiAnimation": "1",
"uiPresetBedTempPLA": 60,
"uiPresetBedABS": 110,
"uiPresetExtruderPLA": 190,
"uiPresetExtruderABS": 240,
"hasMAX6675": false,
"hasMAX31855": false,
"hasGeneric1": false,
"hasGeneric2": false,
"hasGeneric3": false,
"hasUser0": false,
"hasUser1": false,
"hasUser2": false,
"numExtruder": 1,
"version": 100,
"primaryPortName": ""
========== End configuration string ==========