Missing temp for extruder 2 and 3

On my new Delta printer with Repetier firmware 0.92.9 on Rumba board, I have configured my Diamond hotend with 3 extruder as separate extruders, not mixing extruder.
I want to use individual filaments and not mixing filaments.
Coordinates is 0,0 in x,y for extruders as all come from same nozzle, heater and temp sensor is set to same Rumba connection temp 0 and heater 0 as all extruders use same.
When I manually set extruder 1 to heat to 230 degree (in Repetier host), then it is shown on the display (of printer, both set point and actual temp.
When I select extruder 2 or 3 and heat for 230 degree, it actually heat up, but display is showing 0 degree for setpoint.
