All stepper motors only move one direction
I'm currently building something similar and I'm have having problems with my 425oz motors only goin one direction. I'm using ramps 1.4 with M542T drivers and repetier 92.9 with arduino 1.8.1. I've tried disabling ends tops and I've wiring the driver a few different ways with no luck. Any help would be great.
Just take care for(Step/Dir/EN) + Inputs are connected to 5 VDC and STEP - , Dir- and En- are wired to Ramps.
i also used that Drivers for a project, running fine.
If you have different wiring please change , as you get signal your motors may run wrong direction and trigger Endstops
may be you just try dir input without ramps, disconnect dir signal and control it manual so you can see if leadshines work
if you leave it open you have one direction, if you touch GND signal of Ramps direction should change
look for something like this:
there are lots of guides around