Connections for a Delta

I'm new to Repetier, but have been playing with 3D printers and Marlin for some time. 
Here's the questions...
1. In the wizard I need to set up my layer cooling fan, and the options are things like "Heater 2 ...". From my experience with Marlin I've usually connected hot end to D10, fan to D9 and heatbed to D8. How do these relate to the options in the wizard? Is there a picture somewhere that shows what Repetier firmware expects to be plugged in/attached where?

2. Using Marlin I can get my Delta to home with no issues. Repetier sends the carriages into the endstops and keeps grinding. They do trigger, as the LED on them lights up, but the f/w doesn't respond appropriately. 

I have been swapping between Marlin and Repetier, comparing the code and trying to tweak Repetier's configuration.h with no joy at all. I want to change to repetier as it appears to be MUCH more configurable than the versions of Marlin I have used, but if I can'r even get it to home correctly I'm up that familiar tributary without any form of propulsion.


  • 1. Sadly every board has it's own naming and the mapping is not always that straight. Looks like you are using a RAMPS board, so FAN_PIN is D9 in that case (also HEATER 2 is pin 9 btw.

    2. What does M119 return? Delta requires the endstops to be max endstops as they are at max z position. Once M119 show L when untriggered, and H for max when triggered homing should start working.

    3. For Deltas I always suggest using Due based boards (RADDS for example) as they are much faster and have more memory which is essential for deltas as we need much ram to store converted movement data. But for now RAMPS is OK. Just wanted to note that it is possible to improve.
  • Thanks for the quick response.I am using a Mega with a RAMPS  board. I have a Rumba for the other delta I'm building (with a diamond head 3  colour mixing head). I suppose the question is  - will that be okay too!?

    It is odd that when I reinstall Marlin it homes correctly, but with Repetier it doesn't. I'll have another look at what I've got plugged in where, and perhaps change the endstops ,I think the original setup has them on Max. This was a Sintron kit in the beginning of it's life. I've rebuilt the frame to have a 500mm print height and 270 diameter, with aluminium corners.

    I'll have a look and post the results.
  • Now it's getting confusing. Endstops are on X, Y & Z max pins. M119 returns:
    21:40:57.382 : x_min:L y_min:L z_min:L
    I have done the following, and now zeroing works: (Mine are the "true //false" and the "false //true")
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_X_MIN true
    #define ENDSTOP_X_MIN_INVERTING true
    #define MIN_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_X false //true
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Y_MIN true
    #define ENDSTOP_Y_MIN_INVERTING true
    #define MIN_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Y false //true
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Z_MIN true
    #define ENDSTOP_Z_MIN_INVERTING true
    #define MIN_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Z false //true
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_X_MAX true
    #define ENDSTOP_X_MAX_INVERTING true //false
    #define MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_X true //false
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Y_MAX true
    #define ENDSTOP_Y_MAX_INVERTING true //false
    #define MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Y true //false
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Z_MAX true
    #define ENDSTOP_Z_MAX_INVERTING true //false
    #define MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Z true //false
    #define max_software_endstop_r true

    Is there anything else there that needs to be looked at?

    Again, thank you for your guidance - things are improving!
  • G'day
    Sometimes I'm a plank.
    I had selected Min endstops when configuring..... Redone and the file is now like what I edited my "bad" one to be.

    Homing properly, but so slowly! Where do I set the speed? Moves in Repetier Host are also slow enough to make me cry!

  • In eeprom editor you can set speed. Homing speed in that case but maybe also max. movement speeds. A delta on avr can move around 20-25khz so do not set resolution too high on such slow processors. With a due you can do 200khz so 10 times faster if required.

    Speeds in manual control of host are defined in printer settings. Default z is for slow cartesian so your printer can probably move much faster.
  • Thanks, I'm getting there now. What is a Due board? I've looked on eBay for a RADDS board but not found anything. I am definitely going to change out the board asap. After spending all this time building a big machine I'm not having it crippled by a slow board! Cheers Poida
  • Found the Due.... Wasn't looking for Arduino!
  • G'day
    This is one offering on eBay:

    In it's description it says that it has no eeprom. Is this usual, or have they done some cost-cutting in the manufacture? If there's no eeprom would that mean that every start-up I would have to run g29 to get my bed level info?
    Also, this has a ramps (for the Due), is this fine, or should I keep looking for a RADDS?

  • The radds board has several resellers worldwide, see here:

    The due ramps exists with and without eeprom. For deltas you definitely want eeprom support. But these only have 2 extruders so not good for mixing extruders.
    RAMPS-FD is a bit tricky as there are several versions I think (don't have one). Original had bad heater defaults having heaters on when disabled so signals needed to be inverted. I think newer have changed that back. So take care of that, otherwise it should work as fas as I know.
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