Connections for a Delta
in Motherboard
I'm new to Repetier, but have been playing with 3D printers and Marlin for some time.
Here's the questions...
1. In the wizard I need to set up my layer cooling fan, and the options are things like "Heater 2 ...". From my experience with Marlin I've usually connected hot end to D10, fan to D9 and heatbed to D8. How do these relate to the options in the wizard? Is there a picture somewhere that shows what Repetier firmware expects to be plugged in/attached where?
2. Using Marlin I can get my Delta to home with no issues. Repetier sends the carriages into the endstops and keeps grinding. They do trigger, as the LED on them lights up, but the f/w doesn't respond appropriately.
I have been swapping between Marlin and Repetier, comparing the code and trying to tweak Repetier's configuration.h with no joy at all. I want to change to repetier as it appears to be MUCH more configurable than the versions of Marlin I have used, but if I can'r even get it to home correctly I'm up that familiar tributary without any form of propulsion.