Tronxy x5sa pro esteps

Hi Guy's,

 Sorry to ask but I've not used my printer for around a year (not had time as I was moving house), and I can't find my paperwork with the info I need (in a box somewhere).
What gcode commands do I need to get the current esteps and to set the new esteps?
Can you also refresh me with the formula to calculate as the Tronxy x5sa is a bit of a bizarre machine?


  • Try M503 to see your settings. This also puts the command to reset them in output. At least if they use Marlin firmware.
    You might also just try eeprom editor in host or server - that should show values as well and you can change them.
    Value is normally steps per full rotation/circumsphere pulley if there is no gear involved. Or just multiply with an error from measurements. circumsphere pulley can be counted from tooth count * tooth distance if you now the belt type and hence tooth distance. Often 2mm.
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