Extra extrusion on travel needed?
I've noticed that upon completion of long (>5mm or so) travel moves, extrusion takes a bit of distance to resume expected volume. What variables should I adjust to compensate for this? I already have 4mm set for Extra Extrusion upon Undo Retract.
Thanks for the reply. I will speed up travel and reduce retract distance, and see what that does to quality.
On an unrelated note (perhaps this goes in another forum location), does the Repetier firmware connect to the Lyman filament sensor kit (http://owi.storenvy.com/)? This would seem to reduce dependency on high quality filament diameter variance.
I assume if I install the Marlin firmware, which I've heard supports this feature, on the Arduino Mega, the Repetier Host and Server applications will continue to operate well with the Marlin firmware?