Question about the additional Stepper Drivers feature

Hello, I have a couple of questions about the additional motors feature in Repetier FW 0.92.

1) Do the three pins that drive the stepper drivers (dir, step, en) have any particular peripheral requirements (pwm, spi, etc...), or can I simply pick any free GPIO pins?

2) Is there any practical limit on the number of steppers that can be added/driven in this manner?

If it helps, I'm looking to add a couple more motors to a RUMBA using its expansion port.


  • The additional stepper drivers have no restrictions on pin. Any pin will do for the stepper driver, It is generic, so you can of course also write a driver for dc motors using pwm.

    The limit of motors is just a software limit. You could increase it if really needed. Just consider that these motors can only be controlled in main tread and are not interrupt driven like the normal printer motion. 
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