Home position vs Zero position
Hi. I am in the process of configuring the Repetier firmware 1.0.4 for my RepRap Melzi v2.3 board using this tool: https://www.repetier.com/firmware/v100/ Currently its the firmware v 0.91.
I want to maximize the bed space available. The home position is X,Y (-28,-4), zero would be over the corner of the bed.
Should I set X min positionX_MIN_POS and Y min positionY_MIN_POS to -28,-4 respectively?
Are the extruder offsets useful for this ?
I want to maximize the bed space available. The home position is X,Y (-28,-4), zero would be over the corner of the bed.
Should I set X min positionX_MIN_POS and Y min positionY_MIN_POS to -28,-4 respectively?
Are the extruder offsets useful for this ?
Not relevant, but it is convenient if bed start with 0,0 so choosing min pos such that this is the case is a good idea. Otherwise you need to configure all beds to start at 28/4
>Are the extruder offsets useful for this ?
No. They are only useful if you have more than one extruder and then it should be offset to reference extruder.