serial communication
Good morning
Some time ago I wrote a desktop application in that reads a Target3001 file and sends g commands directly to the V1 firmware to drill the PCBs I designed, replacing the extrusion with an electric spindle.
I have now switched to dev2 firmware and my application is not communicating. I noticed that when Repetier-Host connects via serial, it immediately sends 100 bytes with value 0x00 and 1 byte with value 0x0A, at this point the firmware responds with "wait". I have modified my application to transmit the same data, but I am not getting any response.
The comm port is set:
BaubRate 115200
DataBits 8
DiscardNull False
DtrEnable False
Handshape None
Parity None
ReadBufferSize 4096
ReadTimeout -1
ReceivedBytesThreshold 1
RtsEnable False
StopBits 1
WriteBufferSize 2048
WriteTimeout -1
is it possible to know how Repetier-Host starts serial communication with dev2 firmware?
Thank you
Does V2 work with host? I ask because not all boards are already converted to V2 so might also be an other problem. Also check if you get some serious error messages in log.