Can anyone explain this Makergear M2 Z-axis movement.
This is a question that I will be embarrassed I asked as I learn more but I really do need help with a quick start on my Makergear M2.
I bought the printer several years ago and made a small number of successful prints until the 3D printed motor mount broke and the printer was then put into storage since I did not have time to fix it. I now have a new metal motor mount in place and I am trying to get the printer back into operation.
As part of the restoration I did unplug the wiring on the Rambo board after I made notes and took
photos of the original wiring connectors and then I restored the
connections to
their original position. I then tried to upgrade the firmware with
Marlin which I am told was the original firmware but I did not like
working with this so I changed to Repetier. I now have logic problems.
The problem.
1. My M2 has the top mounted Z position sensor. On homing of the Z axis the bed moves up from the rest position to about the 50% of travel position and then stops followed by a normal X and Y homing. The bed is nowhere near the Z stop and the red LED at the sensor does not illuminate.
2. If I interrupt the above Z homing process by manually operating the Z sensor before the bed reaches the 50% position the Z axis movement stops, the red sensor LED illuminates and a correct X and Y homing takes place.
I am puzzled why the Z axis homing stops in the intermediate position
clear of any sensor but the rest of the homing process thinks the Z axis
is correctly homed.
There are multiple references to the Z axis in configure.h but rather than hacking a solution I would prefer to use the best practices for the configuration as I am sure can be recommended by the members.
Thanks for any insights you can provide.
- z max is wrong.
- z axis steps per mm is wrong. Move e.g. 10mm and measure how much it really moved. Z differs much in steps per mm from x and y and if microsteps are not as expected they also can be off factor 2 or 4 or 8 from what would be correct.
- you loose steps on z move - you hear this with a high pitch sound, but from description this is not your problem. If it becomes from changing second case reduce acceleration or z max speed.
4mm spindle, 200 steps Motor 16 Microsteps => 200 * 16 / 4 = 800 steps/mm. And there are spindles with 2mm/rotatio or drivers with 32 microsteps.
19:11:04.577 : System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform. at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo) at SlicerSlic3r.Slic3rInstance.Slice(String[] files, String output)"
I did not get much help on the internet so I will search the forum to see what I can find.
Which OS are you using? Depending on OS the slicer might not be compiled for it. Hard to say since we do not compile them - we use the official version. You can also just download any other official version and in slicer manager you can set path to that executeable, then the external version gets used instead.