Support for MKS v1.5 (HE3D)
does Repetier-Host Server support MKS Base v1.5 board?
I can move on all 3 axis, but when I try to home any of them, it just keeps smashing into it until I plug it out.
I've recieved the hardware endstop for the z-axis with my HE3D printer, but I can not confirm it's sending any signal.
does Repetier-Host Server support MKS Base v1.5 board?
I can move on all 3 axis, but when I try to home any of them, it just keeps smashing into it until I plug it out.
I've recieved the hardware endstop for the z-axis with my HE3D printer, but I can not confirm it's sending any signal.
I'm a developer, but a complete newb when it comes to 3D printing. Can you point to a basic tutorial on software endstop configuration (as I only have one hardware Z limit switch/endstop)?
My printer is he3d prusa EI3 single 3D printer kit full metal extruder
That page describes also how to configure it correctly.
As you can already connect I would say it is supported my us - Marlin is at least along with several other alternatives.
Also, what is the correct position of the printhead for starting my first print? I placed a sheet of tinfoil on the bed, to prevent the plastic from sticking - is that ok?
When you enable/reset printer the position 0,0,0 is assumed. You can also mark current X psoition as 0 using
G92 X0.
Homing should then be done with G28 Y0 Z0 instead of G28 which homes all axis. And you need to ensure before print that it does not conatin G28 (default on most slicers) and that X is set correctly.
tinfoil to prevent it from sticking? Actually you want the filament to stick on bed! The main problem in printing is when it does not stick to bed.
Thanks for the foil tip