Z axis will hold not move


I have been searching for a solution for this for a while. My z axis will hold but not move as i have said. I am using a ramps board.

I have confirmed the wiring is good as my X and Y axis work properly and have swapped both the drivers and the motors. Everything works properly. 

There is no load on the motors right now so binding is not the issue. I thought it was something to do with the endstops. From what I heard that was a big problem area. I have tried different setups... this is what I have right now. Any ideas would be appreciated. 



  • This is what i have for code

    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_X_MIN false
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Y_MIN false
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Z_MIN false
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_X_MAX true
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Y_MAX true
    #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_Z_MAX true

    //set to true to invert the logic of the endstops
    #define ENDSTOP_X_MIN_INVERTING true
    #define ENDSTOP_Y_MIN_INVERTING true
    #define ENDSTOP_Z_MIN_INVERTING false
    #define ENDSTOP_X_MAX_INVERTING false
    #define ENDSTOP_Y_MAX_INVERTING false
    #define ENDSTOP_Z_MAX_INVERTING false

    // Set the values true where you have a hardware endstop. The Pin number is taken from pins.h.

    #define MIN_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_X true
    #define MIN_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Y true
    #define MIN_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Z false
    #define MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_X false
    #define MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Y false
    #define MAX_HARDWARE_ENDSTOP_Z true

    //If your axes are only moving in one direction, make sure the endstops are connected properly.
    //If your axes move in one direction ONLY when the endstops are triggered, set ENDSTOPS_INVERTING to true here

    //// ADVANCED SETTINGS - to tweak parameters

    // For Inverting Stepper Enable Pins (Active Low) use 0, Non Inverting (Active High) use 1
    #define X_ENABLE_ON 0
    #define Y_ENABLE_ON 0
    #define Z_ENABLE_ON 0

    // Disables axis when it's not being used.
    #define DISABLE_X false
    #define DISABLE_Y false
    #define DISABLE_Z false
    #define DISABLE_E false

    // Inverting axis direction
    #define INVERT_X_DIR true
    #define INVERT_Y_DIR true
    #define INVERT_Z_DIR true
  • Also from a simple finger test all motors seem to have the same holding torque.
  • Check eeprom settings speed/max speed/steps and acceleration. Rod based z axis with 2560 steps per mm can only handle low acceleration 50 till 100mm/s^3. Higher rates let the motor whine but nothing happens. Also max. speed is 2-5 mm/s.
  • I made those adjustments and tried the motor. They still hold and will not turn. 

    Thanks for the reply!
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