Mirrored motor on arduino mega and ramps to buildup a MPCNC
I am going to build a cnc (MPCNC) with dual end stop for each axis. To do it I have used an arduino mega + ramps 1.4 with external controllers. I have mirrored x with E0 and y with E1. My problem is that if I put in HOST window manual control extruder1 and for example I send for example a command x+50, motor connected with x turn clockwise motor connected with E0 turn clockwise then I send a command x-50 motor connected with x correctly turn counterclockwise motor connected with E0 continue incorrectly to turn clockwise then I go to send y=50 both Y and E1 turn clockwise the I go to send y-50 both motor correctly turn counterclockwise; now I switch in HOST window manual control from extruder1 to extruder2 and make the same test the result is that X and E0 work correctly and Y and E1 work wrong in the same way that I described before. Thanks to every body that can help me !!!!!!
Each motor it is connect from ramps to external controller with 4 wires
Direction is defined by
I don't know MPCNC good, but if X2 motor is oriented opposite for mirror symmetry INVERT_X2_DIR must be different to INVERT_X_DIR so they rotate in different direction, which become due to mirroring the same direction.
Settings regarding direction in EXT0/EXT1 are to be neglected since you need to remove them anyway or at least set pins to -1 so they have no effect.
I start to assemble the CNC