Repetier and Atmel Studio

I prepared and download a new Repetier firmware with version 0.92. As i don't succeed to flash this to my Melzi board with Arduino ( weeks and weeks of head ache), i would like to use Atmel Studio 6 for the job. I have the avrisp programmer which works perfectly (for now !).
How can i re-use all the repetier files in studio ? Thanks for your help.


  • Did you know that Arduino IDE can also use ISP programmers? Never used that feature but you can also compile to ISP that may be much easier.

    Atmel Studio is a bit complicated since you need to create a own project with the files + Arduino core. If you google you find some tutorials on how to compile a sketch with studio. Use that just add all ino and cpp files to the project.
  • Thank you for your answer ! I knew that arduinoIDE is able to use an ISP ! But i tried many and many times, changing drivers, ports, various parameters but i never succeed to communicate with my melzi board through my olimex avrisp-mk2. Of course i changed the firmware of my olimex as explained in the manual in order to use it with Arduino, but no success!
     I now use Atmel Studio 6, olimex avrisp-mk2 (firmware : com.atmel.avrdbg.connection.libusb0 , v 1.17), my ISP is recognized in the device manager as Atmel avrisp mk2 (driver libusb_win32). So i was able to read eeprom data and flash data (firmware) of my melzi through my ISP.
    But now, how to use your Repetier files ( 0.92)  in Atmel studio to compile and upload into my Melzi ?
    Many thanks for your help !

  • It is so complicated that I would some hours to get it working.

    Easy solution. Arduino IDE (again) in preferences enable more output then you see where arduino compiles. It generates a hex file in that directory which is the binary you want to upload.

    In studio open programmer, select the hex file and upload. That's the same as if you compiled it with studio only you do not need to set up a project since you use ARduino to compile. 
  • Ok, thanks, i found the way and i can display simultaneously the source code (C/C++) and the desassembled hex file.
    This is very helpfull to understand the structure, the use of EEPROM and Sram, registers and so on.
    Explanations in the source code regarding computation of the path and distances and speed is essential for me !
    Of course it takes a lot of time but "passionnant" as we say in french !
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