(a lot of) autolevel issues
i just built a smartrap, which has the Z min endstop on its extruder for autolevel. the hotend gets pressed up if it hits the bed and this triggers the Z endstop with an lever.
at first i tried with marlin firmware, the auto bed level feature did this:
it probes the grid or the 3 measure points, finishes this without error and starts to print BUT it has an Z offset of 2 mm after the probing procedure. it tries to print in the air 2mm above the bed. i tested hundrets of firmware settings but it ALWAYS did the same...
so i tried it with repetier firmware, i set everything up as usual and hit the SAME problem... i had a 2mm offset after its auto level measure procedure.
i tried everything but was not able to get it to work... went to sleep, woke up tried it again and now it does not complete the 3 point measure, it stops now at the first point with the probe/Z endstop triggered and does not move to the 2 other points.
in the log it says:
Z-probe: -2.02 X:10.0 Y:20.0
after this it stops and stays where it is. i thought the eeprom could cause this problem, so i sent a M500 to overwrite it and changed the eeprom value from 1 to 2 and backwards for every upload... but the issue persists really hard.
it looks like the probing gets aborted because the hotend/probe reaches a negative position... but i have no idea how to fix this.
it does NOT care which value i enter at: Z_PROBE_HEIGHT and PROBE_BED_DISTANCE but homing the Z axis works normal, so it starts from 0 which is an Z-offset of 0.35
why does it not probe correctly? im getting frustrated!