XY howls
I'am new to arduino and repetier, so sorry if I ask about something that has been answered several times. Have searched but not really found answers to my question.
Have built a cnc mill, however, I have a problem with the X and Y axis. Min/Max on all 3 axles are set, set a temporary size on all axlis. Selected cnc mill, and the steppe motors are connected correctly, the power is set right, but still I find that X and Y will not really move as they should.
Printer type is chosen to Cartesian, but have also tried others. At small steps they (mostly) want to move, but during larger steps/longer distances, they only howl as if the frequency is too large, but have not yet found where I set this, if that is where the problem is?
What am I doing wrong?
are the micro step jumpers fitted
Sorry, Mega 2560 and ramps 1.4, no jumpers yet
- microsteps not selected as you thought
- Steps per mm too high
- Jerk too high
- Acceleration to high
- Only one coil gets electricity in motor. But then they never really move.
- End speed too high (but then they start moving just stop at some speed).
- Not enough current - adjustable on drivers.
- Motion is physically blocked or requires high force from friction.
Start with low jerk (5) and acceleration (100) and use F in gcode to test with different speeds. When it moves you can start increasing or check the other points.
Is first at it tomorrow but will start putting jumpers in, after this I will try out some of the possible things you write. Not setup with jerk.
Thanks for the solution and the coding. Now I can move on with calibration.
Before I only chose to put jumpers on X and Y, today I have put jumpers on Z as well, but have difficulty adjusting step per mm as the acceleration is too small.
What does acceleration to small mean? Must be bigger then 0 - for z 100 is enough, for xy 500 would be a low value for belts. Normally 1000-2000.
In the first attempt, Y moved about 5mm by pressing 5 in the host program, afterwards it seemed that movement at 5 was 50mm, is this not more correct?
Thank you