$250 donation for repetier on FLSUN Q5
I have a FLSUN Q5 delta printer with a MKS Robin Nano motherboard. I am willing to donate $250 to anyone who can help me run the repetier firmware on it.
Strangely I thought the original firmware was a Repetier variant because the GCode for the Delta Calibration uses G33 R0 and according to the reprap wiki for gCodes here only Repetier and Redeem use that.
Strangely I thought the original firmware was a Repetier variant because the GCode for the Delta Calibration uses G33 R0 and according to the reprap wiki for gCodes here only Repetier and Redeem use that.
To make it easier select one of the existing boards modify it for you. If it works send me the file and I make the correct changes so it gets an own board id from us and we include it in git sources.