Delta for termistors for correct measureting temperature
Hi! My termistor displayes T=225 C but real is T=205 C (I measured it used termocouple). Can i input the delta = +20 C for full equal betweem mesurements and real Temptrature?
Or you create a user defined temperature curve that is correct for your sensor.
In firmware how called this setting?
Add linear and constant correction to temperature readings (TEMP_GAIN)
Don't rely on server - that is very limited and only over the gui, not the gcodes being send.
In web-config i can see Add linear and constant correction to temperature readings (TEMP_GAIN) but where i need set the correction (can't see in the web)?
In configure.h i edited #define TEMP_GAIN 20 (from 0). It is Ok?
And how i can create a user defined temperature curve?
new_temp = bias + gain * old_temp
For user defined curve you select for extruder user defined table 1 and it will appear at the end for editing. You just need to set resistance/temperature values from min to max temp and bit over there so it can trigger defect (resistance 0 and very high like 500kohm)
I think you have no support compiled in which is why you do not see the correct values to change.