While homing Optical End stops are triggered but steppers motors do not stop

I notice that i was printing in mirrored image of my parts.  I when it switched the wiring and the firmware to make sure the steppers moved in the correct direction.

After updating the firmware to this configure.h file http://pastebin.com/d5PQbcYu i connected with the Repetier host app and hit the home button for Y axis.

The table starts to travel towards the opti end stop and just keeps going after the end stop is triggered.  I can see the endstop is triggered as the LED is off.  Also yes I did a M119 with the flag out of the way and saw x:L y:L z:L and then triggered the opti with the flag manually.  I ran M119 again and this time i see the the Y opti is triggered x:L y:H z:L.

So from what i can take the homing process is doing it correctly but is not taking the trigger from the opti as reaching the end.

Also i tested on X and got the same result.  I scared to test my Z as it perficly aligned now and it will miss step when it bottoms out and mis align my two thread rods.

Any insight to this would be great.


  • I'm not sure if 

    1. #define ENDSTOP_PULLUP_X_MIN true

    is correct with optical endstops. This activates the pullup and electronic switches should deliver one signal independently. Pullups are used for mechanical switches against ground. You already said M119 shows L while triggering during home so you must search why that signal does not get recogniced by the avr and thats the only thing I see.

    You might want to switch to 0.92 which can filter false signal a bit better as optical endstops are more prone to crosstalk and other influences.
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