Motors Not responding, Heater not Heating

I'm really greeen in regards to 3d printing, so please bear with me... I am a teacher at high school and purchased a mendel prusa kit from last year. Its been assembled and working quite well. However, one of my students moved the z-axis end-stop really low, so when I hit the z-home button, the hot end kept going down and mashed against the print bed.. I hit emergency stop and eventually got the hot end to to the home position. Now the hotend will not heat (the readout says heating extruder) and the manual motor controls dont work. I can do the x-home, y-home, z-home and the printer responds, but that's it. The log file says ZeroDivisionError:float division. Suggestions?


  • Depends a bit on the firmware version. If you upgrade to latest 0.92.3 you would maybe see more like extruder defect because the thermistor has a short or is disconnected. Would be at least a reason as extruder motors only work when extruder is hot, also latest version can allow cold extrusion with a command.
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