errore arduino su collegamento anycubik 4 max pro

This code contibuted by Triffid_Hunter and modified by Kliment
why double up on these macros? see
        2012/3/10 AT90USB128x modified by lincomatic to match Teensyduino
#ifndef _ARDUINO_H
#define _ARDUINO_H

#include <avr/io.h>

utility functions

#ifndef MASK
/// MASKING- returns \f$2^PIN\f$
#define MASK(PIN) (1 << PIN)

magic I/O routines

now you can simply SET_OUTPUT(STEP); WRITE(STEP, 1); WRITE(STEP, 0);

/// Read a pin
#define _READ(IO) ((bool)(DIO ## IO ## _RPORT & MASK(DIO ## IO ## _PIN)))
/// write to a pin
#define _WRITE(IO, v) do { if (v) {DIO ##  IO ## _WPORT |= MASK(DIO ## IO ## _PIN); } else {DIO ##  IO ## _WPORT &= ~MASK(DIO ## IO ## _PIN); }; } while (0);
/// toggle a pin
#define _TOGGLE(IO) do {DIO ##  IO ## _RPORT = MASK(DIO ## IO ## _PIN); } while (0);

/// set pin as input
#define _SET_INPUT(IO) do {DIO ##  IO ## _DDR &= ~MASK(DIO ## IO ## _PIN); } while (0);
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