iuse Printer off


I have an iUse printer but I am running into a lot of troubles. Sometime in the past everything was working fine but something must have changed and I cannot make it work anymore.

First: I cannot use a slicer from Repetier-host ... I always get an error
Second: If I use Slic3r manually and then save the result Gcode to an sd card and use it directly with my iUse printer the model is centerered on the edge of the platform which print only half of the model with an ugly accumulation of material on the border (like if the printer was still trying to print the other side of the model without the possibility to move since it's the edge)

thanks for any help, a little bit desperate here.


  • > First: I cannot use a slicer from Repetier-host ... I always get an error
    what error do you get? There are so many:-)

    For second your bed definition in slic3r is wrong. Make sure it matches coordinates used in printer. Your 0,0 point is either in center or left front edge of bed. If that does not match centered in slic3r means edge on bed.
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