Repetier firmware driver timings
hi, so, it happens that i have an SKR 1.3 which unfortunately is not supported by repetier
so i had to resort to marlin or reprapfirmware.
what i noticed however, is that going from repetier (ramps) to skr(marlin) the drivers are producing nasty vibrations that do not happen with repetier. iirc, i had experienced the same when i tried marlin on my other machine (ruramps+due) and immediately switched back to repetier.
my drivers are lv8729 btw. so i see that in marlin and reprapfirmware there is a way to change some timings parameters for the drivers, how can i know what kind of timings repetier uses so i can try to make stuff work the way it's supposed to?

what i noticed however, is that going from repetier (ramps) to skr(marlin) the drivers are producing nasty vibrations that do not happen with repetier. iirc, i had experienced the same when i tried marlin on my other machine (ruramps+due) and immediately switched back to repetier.
my drivers are lv8729 btw. so i see that in marlin and reprapfirmware there is a way to change some timings parameters for the drivers, how can i know what kind of timings repetier uses so i can try to make stuff work the way it's supposed to?