diagonal rod correction ?


i am looking for an explanation of the delta diagonal rod correction? what does it do, how to measure that?
i just printed that http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:745523/#instructions and see some differences in the 3 axis, but how to go on now? is there some documentation about that?


  • There is no documentation about how to correct it. I have no idea how to determine this by tests except manually measuring the rods. But these should normally be of equal size. Especially 2 paired rods must have the exact same length for your extruder will tilt while moving and that is non-correctable error.

    What it does is changing the rod length in the delta movement formula.

    If you have a z probe we give some infos here:

  • ok, so it is correcting the physikal length of the rods (and is not calculating in percentage of the "standrad- length or something like this)...

    so i have to do it by trail and error ;)

    in the end, i have a size difference in x and y direction, thats what i want to get rid off...
  • Could also be a angle problem of the columns or position of carriages are not horizontally after homing. Problem is that there are sooo many parameter influencing shape and z position over xy. Most users are happy when z stays constant over the bed range.

  • with z i hav no problems , the xy dimension is also in a range i could live with, but its not "perfect".
    i try to tweek the rod lengths, maybe it helps... ;)
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