
How do I setup tmc2208 stepper drivers in stand alone mode in the firmware?


  • Stand alone = not connected to firmware? Then there is nothing to set up in firmware. There is also no support in firmware to set up these drivers. Might be supported in V2 later.
  • I'm planning on upgrading to the tmc2209, but I believe this question should be applicable to the tmc2208 as well. I'm not interested in uart interface as I plan on running in stand alone mode, my question is if it is possible to leverage control over the stealthchop/spreadcycle settings. Most of the time we want the driver in stealthchop for quiet sake, but desire spreadcycle at higher velocities; this to my understanding is done by simply toggling J1 P5.
  • I'm currently not deep enough into this topic to answer that. But do not expect it in V1 firmware. For V2 I'm planning to integrate TMC support soon including hopefully switch stealthchop/spreadcycle. With the modular design it should then be easy to add this to other drivers as well.
  • When does v2 come out?
  • It is already out in dev2 branch on github. But is does not support all hardware components we want to support at the moment.
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