TMC2209 - small movements after home?
Firstly thank you for such amazing software!
I have been searching for an answer to this issue for a little while now, i have got some TMC2209 drivers for a Radds32/Due running Repetier 0.92 firmware on a big CoreXY.
what I am finding is that when i home X axis or Home all axis together they will all home perfectly BUT as soon as Z axis finishes the X axis will then move 3/5mm towards endstop?
Y axis does not do this and i tried changing STEPPER_HIGH_DELAY and DIRECTION_DELAY up to 20 microseconds but it does not change behavior.
I used to use RAPS128 without this issue so im assuming its related to TMC2209?
Any help is appreciated!
For coreXY you should anyway add a move away from endstop after testing endstop so it is 100% sure endstop does not get triggered in normal operations.