Melzi V2 Tronxy X1 firmware not working
Hi, i bought a new Melzi board as a replacement for the original one, i had no problems flashing the bootloader trough SPI and no problems running some test code (i wrote a simple code to turn on and off a pin and checked it with the oscilloscope, so the micro is indeed kind of working and the code uploads fine). My issue starts after the firmware is uploaded , i get nothing on the LCD and the "debug" LED is constantly on. I downloaded this firmware from Github ( already configured for the Tronxy X1, but i'm wondering if maybe it have the wrong pinout for my specific board.
Can't say if led definition matches yours. Don't have the printer.
i'm not sure if this means there is no answer at all from the machine or if it give some kind of clue about the issue.
Anyhow you can connect so that is ok. What I see is a message about defect temperature sensor, which explains why printing will not work. Moving head should work. Guess you have set wrong sensor pins so it gets no useful response and assumes a defect sensor.
i'm not sure what to think about them since they are commented. In "uiconfig.h" however i found what it seems to be the configuration settings for the display. i was not able to find a pinout of my board either, on the melzi official page it is mentioned only the use of an i2c screen wich is not my case.
So the problem of the mismatch of 5v and ground between the lcd and the board is easy fixable with an adaptor i could make, but i don't quite understand how to define pins and comunication settings for the lcd in code and if it is possible to use the analog signal for the controls.
i'm going to find out which pin of the connector is connected to each pin of the microcontroller to at least have a clear hardware prospective.
Thank you for your help, i'm really not good understanding this kind of complex code