New User - A Question
Hello everyone,
I'm currently in the process of building a very basic wood cutting CNC machine and found that Marlin was restrictive in the options I need to complete.
Now, the machine I'm building has two motors for the X axis, 2 for the Y axis and 1 for the Z axis. Is Repetier able to be configured to do this?
Secondly, I'm going through the configuration screens and I'm stuck on the 'Printer Type' options on the first screen. I don't understand the four options under the 'Delta Printers' could someone explain them to me please
Lastly, it seems that you HAVE to have a 3d printer configuration uploaded as part of the upload is their anyway to remove this? Why does a milling machine need an extruder or heated bed.
You need the cartesian printer if you build classic cnc style. So forget the 4 core xy combos below delta. You don't have it.
For motors select mirror x and mirror y motor and you get options to select a second stepper socket for it. SO you need a board with 5 stepper drivers.
You need an extruder so the data structure for a cnc tool is there. You can use fake temperature sensor and use a heater pin that is not connected. Does not matter. In V2 you would select a CNC tool when it is finished, but for V1 just use a dummy extruder.
You mean like the classic CNC solutions where the pc sends every step signal? With the end of the centronics interface this is becoming a bit of a problem solved by usb replacements that cache some data to keep up. The firmware boards are the solution as they cache even more. Our software is optimized for that solution and it works very well. With V2 we go even more in the direction as you now can build your own firmware that only uses code parts that you want. No need to add extruders or heated beds any more. That is the way we plan to go. Currently our main focus is clearly 3d with benefits to convert such machines for simple cnc machines or laser cutter/engraver..
Can't really say when I write that HAL as it also needs testing and I'm also busy with host/server/support. So any time would be wrong. But I think it will not take too much time before I start writing the other hal versions. (plan also M0 and LP1769 versions).