Firmware Retraction

I'm having an issue with my Diamond Full Color (5 color nozzle) with needing excessive retract due to long PTFE tubes.  One thing I am wondering is if I need to retract from all extruders a little at the same time in order to relieve pressure of whatever is sitting in there cooking.

I was told that firmware retraction can retract all extruders at once, but someone else said Repetier does not do that.  Can someone tell me if Repetier does and if not if there is a way to do this through software?

I'm using Repetier 1.0.3 with a MEGA2560 and RAMPS 1.6 board.


  • For mixing extruder it is different if you do a slicer retract with G1 E-xx or a firmware retract. Slicer retract will always retract according to mixing ratio. Firmware retract (G10/G11) will retract all 5 filaments the same amount.
  • Thanks.  I actually just got brave enough to do this and it works exactly how I need.  Slicer retracts the current tool 9 mm then G10 retracts all tools 2 mm more.  That little bit on the other 4 tools was just enough to cause some ooze.  No more string now!
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