Printing From SD Card: Do all settings go into print file?

Sorry this is such a noob question, but this is my first delta with no training wheels  B)

I'm using Repetier to make some custom adjustments to my EEPROM settings.  For the most part my adjustments have been to level and control the "flatness" of how the printhead moves (initially it was moving in a slight concave).

So far I've only printed using Cura and with my laptop connected directly to the delta (HE3D K280).  My prints are very nice in my opinion and I'm more than satisfied.  I'd like to run some print jobs during the day but I need to use my laptop for my day job.

If I put the print file on an SD card do all those custom EEPROM settings, etc. go with it to control the printer?  Or will I always need to have my laptop running my printer?

Thank you for any insight you can give!



  • The eeprom settings are stored in the printers controller firmware, what you save too and print from  the SD card, is the sliced gcode that tells the firmware what to do.

  • Okay, so if I understand all this correctly, the settings I changed on my laptop using Repetier need to be flashed to my printer's board in order for the printer to use those modifications and print from a card (right?)  Thanks!
  • edited October 2018
    if you used the repetier host eeprom editor you don´t have to do anything more,
    the values are already saved in eeprom
    (same situation if you did in repetier server)
  • I did, I used Repetier-Host eeprom editor to make all my adjustments but I've been leaving the laptop connected to the printer for prints.  Just making sure here... when I save those and it updates the eeprom that is actually updating the board on the printer?  So I might be able to just print from a card then without keeping the laptop connected all the time?

    Thank you!
  • DOTYARMS said:
    I did, I used Repetier-Host eeprom editor to make all my adjustments but I've been leaving the laptop connected to the printer for prints.  Just making sure here... when I save those and it updates the eeprom that is actually updating the board on the printer?  So I might be able to just print from a card then without keeping the laptop connected all the time?

    Thank you!
    I guess one way to check is to hook up another computer to it and see if the eeprom settings are consistent... that or run a test print and see what happens (could be risky hehehe)
  • yes, values are saved to printer board, no need to keep laptop connected
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