No power to extruder heater

Bed heats up fine. Extruder heater is getting no power. Hotwired it with 12v and it gets hot. Thermocouple is also working fine.
I checked it at the board and nothing. And I checked it quickly before it has the fatal error and decouples everything. Eeprom?
Firmware? I am brand new at this. Thank you


  • It is a Da vinci 1.0a with 1.17-8-01   1.1a
  • I suppose it could be the board but I just don't know. Are there any type of fuses on the board? I couldn't see any.
  • Are you using the davinci form of repetier-firmware? Then better ask in their github issue tracker. 

    The first question is the extruder heater pin set correctly. Only then you can have it heat up. Also make sure dry run mode is not enabled (e.g. if using repetier-host). In dry run heaters will never turn on.
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