Printing stops mid print same location
I am a noob so please bear with me. I have had several successful prints and having a great time until yesterday. I purchased this DaVinci 1.0 uses. Previous owner had flashed Repetier .92. I installed Host and went to printing. Yesterday this print failed. I shut down started again, same result. I have since checked wires, tried a different print job, removed and reformatted SD card, rerouted wires to print head, scratched my head, cussed a few times. I'm not sure what to try next. I see the target temperature drops to zero when printing stops. In not sure if that causes the printing to stop or it is after printer stops.
If you connect and hit reset key on your printer you should see after "start" a info that firmware started due to a reset. Same if watchdog was triggered.
At the moment only you can say if firmware or host caused the problem. As I said I do not know which log line corresponds to which action. Did you rest/restart printer and that is the "start" or did this happen just mid print, then it would be a printer problem and you need to find out why the printer resets. A firmware crash is one reason but also triggering the reset line somehow or sending a reset command in software (emergency stop) could do it.