What a disappointment!
Wait months for a new version to fix missing screen items (using RPi3B and official 7" screen) and on the very very first use, before I have even used it to load filament and bam, already half the screen icons missing and, actually, no way to back out of this screen.
Do you do refunds?
Do you do refunds?

1. Open in desktop browser and check in console for error messages.
2. You could send me the xml printer config in case that the config is the issue. BTW: how did you install it if this is a new image? Because the format has changed a bit, but existing configs get upgraded during reading the files.
3. Send me a complete image of your install if that is not too big. Only tricky part is not to publish your license key. But I would postpone this when 1. and 2. do not show any thing.
I carry out 1. and 2. as per your message and report back when I can.