Printing change the position after some layer
Hi, I have the Repetier Host V2.1.2 in my Tarantula, always when I printing something the printer start in one position of the heat bad and after some layers they change alone for the side position. Could you can help me, I´m new in 3D printer.
Could also be a motor overheating or blocking or loosing steps.
Hi, thanks for the answer, Unfortunately I have bad skill for change the configuration, I imagine that you talk about the Firmware EEPROM in the Repetier ? Coul you please show me what line that I need to change for "0".
In the firmware EEPRON that appear in my versio (2.1.2) for exemple not show the Extruder setting, they missing in my versio, I traied to calibrated the speed of filament.
Thanks a lot