g28 Auto Home offset - BL Touch
every time I feel I have set up the BL Touch complete some thing happens. You would consider the printer has a virus.
Last night everything was working and I only had to set the Z off set, so I decided to do that the next day.
Next morning the printer will not auto home correctly. At first it would hit the end stop for x and Y then mover off the bed to y 200+ the z axis did not move.
I reloaded the firmware no difference then a Restore Fail Safe stoped the x y crashing off the bed.
Now x and y home at 00 and Z tries to home but off the bed instead of at x99 y148 which is displayed on the screen.
Can I adjust the firmware for this?
Is there a factory rest that clears all setting and then reload the firmware?
Any help would be appricated.
sets eeprom to values in configuration.h. Maybe your steps per mm for xy have changed so positions do not match any more.