Babystepping without an Display


unfortunaly i've got no LCD, but i would love to use babystepping.
Is there a way to activate babystepping by pushing on my encoder button?



  • You can use M290

    - M290 Z<babysteps> - Correct by adding baby steps for Z mm

    but it will always have a delay of the buffer until it takes effect so not best.

    Encoder only can be done if you can program, also a bit hacky. Make the click select babystepping and encode be encoder then that is the only thing you can do with the encoder. Just configure lcd controller to use these keys without defining a display.
  • edited April 2018
    thanks for your answer. 

    I added in uniconfig.h in void uiInitKeys():


    under void uiCheckKeys(uint16_t &action) i added:

    is this the right direction im going?
  • Yes that is right direction, but you also need to check encoder to get it fully working. Timeout will disable babystepping after a while and go back to main menu if not disabled. But that might be good as it does not always need to be enabled.
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