Extruder motor chatters, spins perfectly using other motor control
Prusa i3
New to 3D printing
I'm a Ceramic engineer with the following sliding scale of understanding and aptitude:
All that said...
Here's what's going on:
I patiently await the guidance of the masses.
New to 3D printing
I'm a Ceramic engineer with the following sliding scale of understanding and aptitude:
- Materials
- Mecanical
- Electrical
- Software (Fortran...I'm old)
- Extinct languages
- Flying under my own power and last on the list....
- Electronics
All that said...
Here's what's going on:
- Printing just fine after initial assembly and setup (voltage pots set to 550 mV)
- After a long run of many successful prints I get what appears to be a normal clogged nozzle, no biggie
- Take the hot end apart, heat it up, clean out the feed tube, scrape off tip...
- Put it back together and fire it up
- Extruder motor chatters and does not feed
- Take it apart again, heat it up and, without reassembly, manually cycle the motor...chatter.
- Bump the pots up to 700 mV to increase the torque.
- Repeat #6 with the same result.
- Connect the X motor controller wire to the extruder motor. Manually fire X up, motor works like a charm. Lots of torque, agrips the filament...all good.
I patiently await the guidance of the masses.
You can over ride this by sending a M302 to the printer.