Spindle control with repetier
I would like to run my CNC router spindle with the firmware, I have an AtMega2560 board with ramps 1.4. I would like to use one of the pins on the board like D9 or one of the servo pins. There will be a relay to turn spindle on and off. Is there a way to turn spindle on and off from the LCD display or should it get the G-code command like M3/M4?
I would like to run my CNC router spindle with the firmware, I have an AtMega2560 board with ramps 1.4. I would like to use one of the pins on the board like D9 or one of the servo pins. There will be a relay to turn spindle on and off. Is there a way to turn spindle on and off from the LCD display or should it get the G-code command like M3/M4?
With RAMPS also watch yout to disable fan control as fan normally also uses D9 so that would be a conflict.
if I then send M3 S200 , the speed doesnt change, I have to send M5 and then M3 S200.
S200 is also not interpreted as a stand alone command.
All this is in menus on the FullGraphicsSmartController,
Is there any documentation which pins are allocated in the configuration tool
I would like the Spindle PWM to go out on the Rumba HE2 PWM channel.
? is the physical implementation a future enhancement? Repetier is just getting the variables in place?
PIN Port Rumba Repetier
In V2 we at least have a general purpose PWM so we will have default drivers which can use these pwm drivers as input. But that is not finished.
Congratulations on a wonderful piece of software I will make regular contributions "EUR",
I see you starting to cross the 3D CNC boundary, of course its not a true CNC machine , but most hobbyist are happy with 2 1/2 axis , something between an engraver / router / cnc drill.
On the graphics screen you already have Xw,Yw,Zw which is the last missing piece as I need to home in on the top of a workpiece for CNC work, Obv a button/code is needed to tell the part thickness, as the 3D axis are not allowed to go negative so the workpiece origin needs to be something like Xjogged/Yjogged/Zthickness of workpiece...
I am reluctant to code for two reasons, I am not good at it and it is not good to mess with a well structured program.
- G30 P<0..3> - Single z-probe at current position P = 1 first measurement, P = 2 Last measurement P = 0 or 3 first and last measurement
- G30 H<height> R<offset> Make probe define new Z and z offset (R) at trigger point assuming z-probe measured an object of H height.
Assuming you have a method to measure z height of the tool like these switches you hit from top or some users also use just a current going through the tool. Then the second G30 helps you define the bottom and current position as well.