Dual boot firmware
Hi, I'm building a dual mode machine, 3d Printer and pick and place machine. I'm writing my own firmware for pick and place, so I added the files in the repetier firmware folder, and added a conditional at the very begin of the program:
void setup()
machineMode = analogRead(machineStartPin);//this call mess up future adc readings...
if(machineMode == 0){
as you can see in the comment, that call to analogRead will mess up the readings in printer mode, resulting in thermistors not connected for the heated bed and extruder.
If I remove that line, the printer works fine.
Any ideas?
as you can see in the comment, that call to analogRead will mess up the readings in printer mode, resulting in thermistors not connected for the heated bed and extruder.
If I remove that line, the printer works fine.
Any ideas?