It does not work out to set up Distortion Correction, for printing the first layer

edited December 2017 in Questions & Answers
When the Distortion Correction function is on and with the Z home command, it is clear that the table is making an additional move in the matrix from the command sequence G33 X0 Y0 Z-0.2, etc.
However, when the GCODE starts executing, the nozzle rests against the table, travels along the XY coordinates, but does not want to rise to the height of the first layer, which is in the GCODE.
This happens on the firmware version 0.92.9 and 1.0.0
How do I get the Distortion Correction function to work when the GCODE starts printing and the Z axis would move to the height of the first layer from the GCODE?
Changing the parameters DISTORTION_START_DEGRADE and DISTORTION_END_HEIGHT did not help.
Printer - CoreXY, Arduino DUE with working EEPROM.


  • First make sure you have a distortion correction (stored in eeprom) G33 L0 should list the bump pattern. Then make sure it is enabled

    - M323 S0/S1 enable disable distortion correction P0 = not permanent, P1 = permanent = default

    Any move in xy shoudl then go up/down the additional amount until z > DISTORTION_START_DEGRADE.

    As a test set DISTORTION_START_DEGRADE  = 5mm and set it at a known position to a bigger value(3mm) and move at z=4mm to that coordinates. You should see it go up/down the difference clearly.

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