The important function "G28 Z0" works strange after a reboot

If after restarting the printer I run G28 Z0, when all the coordinates are not defined,
then the printer first sends X home, then Y home, then Z home
and then for some reason moves around Y by 5-6 mm. This is already strange.
If then send G28 X0, then the printer suddenly jerks and travels X to the maximum.
Using a printer with firmware 1.0.0dev is impossible, on 0.92.9 there was no such problem.
How to make the printer go only along the Z axis after the command G28 Z0 and nowhere else?
(Distortion correction in ON)
Printer - CoreXY, Arduino DUE with working EEPROM. Repetier-Firmware 1.0.0dev


  • If you have z min homing with z probe it works only when x and y are homed. It will go to xy position for z probing (requires homing order with preheat to use the xy coordinates). I guess you have not set this or not selected homing order preheat, xy z.
  • I rebuilt the firmware version 1.0.0 through the configurator on the site, the problem is gone.
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