Prints keep getting offset layers. (Not machanical)
I am having an issue with my prints getting offset after 5-6 layers. Not always that way but that’s how it happens most of the time. So the prints will start out fine and layer are printing just fine the it’s almost like the machine will lose power for a split second then resume printing but everything will be offset by a quarter in or so. Kind of like it thinks the head is still moving but it actually wasn’t then the machanical part resumes were it think it should be.
Typical reasons are overheating of stepper drivers, cross talk to endstops from motors/heaters with end stop check always on, jerk/acceleration too high so you loose some steps and mechanical reasons are also possible even if you exclude them:-)
If it is always away from one endstop it is normally cross talk. If it is random direction it is one of the other reasons.
Physically you would twist the cable for endstop and motors and heaters to reduce crosstalk. An additional shielding would also help, but maybe twisting would be enough. It happens if the cable are in close contact over some distance, then induction can cause signals being triggered.
Other reason is always crosstalk to PS_PIN. Have seen this happen when a pwm signal is close.