bed height during printing--help some kids out

Hi all, teacher here, K-8, got a DaVinci early one, jail broke it, printed some stuff a couple years ago, mothballed it last year (no time or good spot last year)
Hauled it back on, now on a windows box, Repetier and slic3r got it all up and running but the bed drops at start of print, easy fix?
I've done a lot of leg work to get to this point and am running out of time.  Not even sure what it's flashed at anymore, probably whatever flavor was current two years back. 091?
Be gentle, this is not my main job, I'm trying to help kids get this thing online on the side.


  • You should run teh start commands one at a time to isolate the one causing it. Maybe starting with the homing. It can be anything from wrong firmware configuration to start script of slicer, so isolate the source and then check if the command is wrong or the firmware response.
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