Strange temperature table generation from the online configuration tool?

Hello, I am just starting Repetier firmware and try to setup my printer from the configuration tool v0.92.

I set customized temperature table, and it looks fine when viewed from the web page.
However, when I looked into Configuration.h, it seemed quite weird, such that:

#define USER_THERMISTORTABLE0 {{349,1648},{38,2800},{490,1504},{103,2224},{61,2512},{90,2296},{976,1216},{185,1936},{137,2080},{159,2008},{119,2152},{2397,784},{252,1792},{215,1864},{296,1720},{413,1576},{582,1432},{692,1360},{1593,1000},{2936,640},{3387,496},{3707,352},{3903,208},{4039,-8}}

In my understanding, the ADC value (the first one at a pair) should be in increasing order but it seems rather shuffled.
At the web interface, I added the temp/resistance value pairs in order, but it became shuffled while inserting them. Maybe it's bug of the configuration tool.


  • Yes, they should be increasing and when I test it they are in increasing order independent of order I enter. To be exact, the display order is the one that gets exported which is also how it should be.

    Under which os and which browser did you do this? Maybe there is a different behaviour with different browsers. I used chrome on Mac OS X.
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