No webcam stream, only static image
In Repetier server (version 0.86.2, but have had this problem since first 0.86 release) I can only see the static webcam image, not the stream.
If I go to Printer Settings > Webcam I see both static image AND the stream.
Browsing to http://IP:8080/stream.html I see the stream too.
Board is RPi 3B, and camera is Logitech c170
Any solution to this?
If I go to Printer Settings > Webcam I see both static image AND the stream.
Browsing to http://IP:8080/stream.html I see the stream too.
Board is RPi 3B, and camera is Logitech c170
Any solution to this?
You have to watch out with the url - that it works in browser does not always mean it is the url for the mjpg stream. It could also be a html page containing the stream. And the stream must have mjpg format and not an other video format - it will only work on mjpg streams. For the right url right click on the stream and open image in new url. That should give you right url. If you open debug tools of the browser and reload you should see in network the stream and can see the content type. Main type is multipart/x-mixed-replace with subframes of type image/jpeg.
Static Image URL: http://localhost:8080/?action=snapshot
As written, under Printer Settings > WebCam I can see the stream.
Actual URL (right click missing stream, open in new pane): http://IP:3344/printer/cammjpg/Anet_A8_3D_Printer?rand=EqObiEwONZ&sess=UKE@5WdKbPFZ3xTXFiNK#Gv1jhKW98$d
I see the "webcam" with a red ring and a line over.
When I access the stream directly (http://IP:8080/?action=stream) it Works like a charm, but http://IP:3344/printer/cammjpg/Anet_A8_3D_Printer?rand=EqObiEwONZ&sess=UKE@5WdKbPFZ3xTXFiNK#Gv1jhKW98$d is not working.
The link you show contains a session and that changes every restart, but of course on reload it will set it correctly.
You could try if
works better. Also localhost is the same as but needs resolving.
Are you using the repetier-server image with mjpg_streamer or do you have compiled you own mjpg_streamer? In latter case, which source did you use? Maybe it is now sending in a slightly different format that causes the proxy to fail.
Does /var/lib/RepetierServer/log/server.log
contain any hints. Except for normal termination the cam reader logs the error reason.
Remmeber an other guy with webcam problems and he said after a restart all problems were gone.
If you say this is the one proxying, then I have a suspicion that this might be the faulty bit.
Did you try the reboot? If 13. august is last entry in log you have not rebootet since then, so give it a chance.
After each reboot you get new entries here, so why only 13th august? Is there another log file with newer content?
And I have no ide why it haven't logged anything since.
The other question would be why /var/lib/RepetierServer/log/server.log does not get updated. Could you delete the file and reboot to see if it gets recreated. Your disk ha splenty of free space so that is not the problem. One thing might be a corrupt file system on sd card. Have seen this happening and causing strange results. Do you always shutdown the pi (good) or just unplug power (bad)?
Just did an Update check on my 0.86.2 and it says it's up-to-date.