Active low stepper pulse
Hi, I'm making a new 3D printer. I already had some high power NEMA's with corresponding drivers and wanted to hook those up to a RAMPS 1.4 set instead of the usual A4988 drivers. These drives take an active low pulse signal. This meaning that the pulse is always high, so 5V, exept when the pulse hits it goes to low, 0V, for a few µseconds. Can the repetier firmware deliver this? Im not afraid to fiddle around in the arduino code but have no clue were to search without messing everything up.
Many thanks in advance.
and all steps are done on low signals instead. Requires 0.92 version!
to the manual tab for the Firmware Configuration Tool, but doing that seems to cause no step signals to be sent out from the Arduino. Any ideas what I might be missing?
Thanks again,
so that seems the right logic. No exceptions found. So I have to assume it still toggles steps. Normally it also does not really matter if it toggles on high or low as we always see both signals per step. Do you maybe also need to invert enable signal?