Repetier Host Crashes When Viewing 3D Mode and Print Preview

A couple of months ago, I updated my graphics card driver, and from that point, the software has become slower and laggy when showing the sliced print or the filament printing. It will often crash during prints and ruin the print. The first sign of this problem came when suddenly, it stopped showing the object printing. After some research, I found that this was done to speed the software up due to graphics issues. I managed to re-enable the filament view, but I still have to deal with the risk of slowness and crashing. In addition, I recently checked my log on start-up and found this written:

20:34:39.539 : OpenGL version:1.1.0
20:34:39.541 : OpenGL extensions:GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_paletted_texture
20:34:39.541 : OpenGL renderer:GDI Generic
20:34:39.541 : Fast VBOs for rendering not supported. Using slower default method.

After some research, I am only able to work out that it is an OpenGL issue. However, I am unsure of how to fix this problem. My PC specs are:

Windows 7 Home Premium - 64 Bit

AMD Athlon II x4 CPU

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti Graphics Card, using most recent driver version (I just updated it)


All of the things I have found while researching the problem offer no solution, so perhaps someone here could offer a solution that doesn't mean just disabling filament view and reducing graphics quality.

P.S. My 3D printer is a Colido DIY 3D Printer.


  • Problem is this:
    20:34:39.541 : OpenGL renderer:GDI Generic
    The used OpenTK library did not see your OpenGL driver and switched to microsofts software renderer, which is very slow and causes crashes frequently.

    So what you need to achieve is that it sees your new grapohic card and uses this.
    It is not clear what causes this problem, never had this on my computers but know it happens. Sometimes it helps to set graphic card power saving to none,using 100% power so it is always selected. You might also install a OpenGL test software just to make sure OpenGL should work, not that just the driver is missing.
  • Thanks for the reply, but a solution is still unclear. I have installed an OpenGL test (OpenGL Extensions Viewer 4.1), but I am unsure of how to use it/ what to do with it. In addition, I am unsure of how to alter the power saving for my card. I have however, used the control panel for my card and changed the OpenGL Rendering GPU to my graphics card, but this has made no difference. In Repetier Host, I changed the draw method to VBOs (Best), and when I reloaded the programme, the log said this:

    14:03:43.817 : OpenGL version:1.1.0
    14:03:43.817 : OpenGL extensions:GL_WIN_swap_hint GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_paletted_texture
    14:03:43.817 : OpenGL renderer:GDI Generic
    14:03:43.817 : Fast VBOs for rendering not supported. Using slower default method.
    14:03:44.147 : Error drawing 3d view:Unable to find an entry point named 'glGenBuffers' in DLL 'opengl32.dll'. /    at OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GL.Core.GenBuffers(Int32 n, UInt32* buffers)
       at OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.GL.GenBuffers(Int32 n, Int32[] buffers)
       at RepetierHostExtender.geom.Submesh.Draw(Int32 method, Vector3 edgetrans, Boolean forceFaces, Boolean forceOutside)
       at RepetierHost.model.Coordinate.DrawArrow()
       at RepetierHost.model.Coordinate.Draw(Int32 viewport_x, Int32 viewport_y, Double rotX, Double rotZ, Int32 offset)
       at RepetierHost.view.ThreeDControl.DrawCoordinate()
       at RepetierHost.view.ThreeDControl.gl_Paint(Object sender, PaintEventArgs e)

    Are there any other suggestions you could make which would help to fix this issue?

  • VBOs require OpenGL 1.5, so with 1.1 it will not work. One reason you want your cards hardware solution which has them.

    Extension viewer - just start and check if it shows OpenGL 4.x which nowadays drivers have normally.

    Also not sure where and when these power savings dialog appears. Have seen it once. You could then tell to optimize for speed or power consumption. But with Windows 10 all more expert dialogs are so well hidden.
  • So how do I upgrade to 1.5 from 1.1

  • Also, I have checked Extension viewer and it says that I have OpenGL 4.4.

  • The problem is that it seems to not see/find a view mode for your card or sees it first for the generic driver. Not sure here as this is not our library, we just use it. Your driver is good enough and there is no reason for windows to show the generic version at all. What you could try is disableing antialiasing in host ( host->preferences->3d visualization).

    Also I remember that some other users hat similar problems with one driver version and installing a slightly older driver das solved the issue.
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